Audio Signals Podcast

Ant Colonies, Metaverses, Virtual & Augmented Realities, Diversity, Ethics, And Some Thoughts About The Future | An Audio Signals Conversation With Antonia Forster

Episode Summary

Imagine you could experience worlds that you design and build the way you want them to be; alternative realities that you can enter and leave as you wish. Now, imagine there's no countries, nothing to kill or die for... imagine all the people, livin' life in peace.

Episode Notes

Imagine you could experience worlds that you design and build the way you want them to be; alternative realities that you can enter and leave as you wish. Now, imagine there's no countries, nothing to kill or die for... imagine all the people, livin' life in peace.

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one.

Certainly not the only one. 

There are — and there have always been — brilliant minds that dream and work very hard to make wishes come true. 

The advancement of our knowledge and the convergence of advanced technologies has allowed us to reach goals in many different scientific disciplines that we could merely imagine a few decades ago. From self-driving cars and rovers on Mars; to Artificial Intelligence quantum computing; to clean energy and medical advancement — the future is a lot more present than you think.

Some scenarios are more tangible than others; that may be, let's say, a bit more virtual and involve alternative realities. But what is reality anyway? 

In this podcast, we are joined by an incredible guest to talk about ant colonies, Metaverses, Virtual & Augmented Realities, diversity, ethics, and some thoughts about the future.

She tells us about her zoology studies and how she became a Unity/C# games and software developer, specializing in immersive experiences such as AR, VR & XR.

Her name is Antonia Forster. She is an experienced public speaker having delivered talks at venues including London Science Museum, the Royal Society, Kew Gardens, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, At-Bristol Science Museum, and more.

In 2017, her record-breaking TEDxBristol talk was delivered to a live audience of 2,000 people and has since gained over 92,000 views online.

In 2018, Antonia was nominated and shortlisted for Nature's John Maddox Prize in recognition of her work as an LGBTQ+ speaker and activist.

She has been named one of Bristol's Top Nine "Women To Watch" in STEM and featured in numerous magazine, radio, and television features.

Listen to this podcast, and we promise more fascinating conversations with her on ITSPmagazine.

Antonia Forster, XR Technical Specialist at Unity Technologies (@AntoniaRForster on Twitter)

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More about Antonia, her technical work, and her show reel:

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